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Zobrazují se příspěvky z 2017

The Fight Starts Inside

I don't like the word diet, because I do not think any diet that really make you lose weight permanently and that is of course goal of us all. We do not want to lose weight for few weeks or even months, we want to make permanent change that will last t othe end of our lives. If this is something you want to achieve, than I strongly believe that you need to start with your change from the inside. When you are different person inside, it will over time make permanent changes of your body as well. There are very often some deep psychological issues that are the real reason why we do not live healthy and why we are overweight. You need to make change in your life because you love yourself and want something better for yourself, not because you hate yourself. When you achieve this, than actually process of weight loss is the easy part. Merry X-mass everyone and do not forget about your goals. Good luck in next year, we are gonna make it!

Fight The Stress

Everyone feels stressed sometimes and if you are trying to change your life and lose few pounds than you know it is sometimes extremely stressful. Well, you need to know that stress can be very dangerous and it can damage your fight with weight heavily. Find something that works for you agains stress (except food of course :). When we feel stressed out, it becomes much more difficult for our bodies to burn fat. Find something to relieve stress such as boxing, yoga, thai-chi, writing, reading, hot bath or any sport you like. I would strongly suggest some kind of sport, because it will not only make you feel relaxed, but will of course also burn some calories. Basically anything that will help you relieve pent-up tension and energy is very important. When you are relaxed, you will be happy and losing weight will be much easier.

First Crisis

Today i had first big crisis. For whole day I felt like I do not have any energy and I also craved something to eat that is sweet and fatty. This day so far was really the hardest in my ongoing war with fat, but I can proudly write here that I won the battle. Not only that I did not eat anything bad, but I have also went out and run for solid hour, so I'm really proud about myself. I start think that this whole thing is really about strong will and nothing else. If you have the will, you will achieve your goals. All eventual mistakes you will overcome, so they are not that important, if you have the will, you gonna make it.

I Like Walking

I have been walking almost every day for past few days and I have to admit that I really like it. It is simply not that hard for me to persuade myself to go out and move than it was before and I think everyone who tried running or any other workout knows that this part is really the most difficult one. Well, I have been wlaking for several days now so now its time to start running. I'll let you guys know how it goes.

I Started Walking!

I wanted to start running again for really long time, but i have to admit that I have been really lazy. I hate running! I have read some some articles on the web about running when you are overweight and i have found some very interesting. It is actually better to start walking for certain time before running. It works like this: few times a week you go walking for one hour and you are slowly increasing the pace. After some time you will be walking so fast that it becomes easier for you to start running. I'm gonna try this and I will let you know how it is working for me.

First Two Days

Hello, so its two days after I started my big war with fat and I feel actually very good. I have decided not to do anything drastic as I usually did in my previous attempts, so I have just started with few minor changes. First, I have completely stopped drinking any sweet drinks like sodas, milkshakes and similar stuff. I have also stopped drinking all those zer calories sweet drinks, because I have info that shocked me. Did you know, that these "zero" drinks can actually make you fat? They really do not have almost any calories, but when your body that is used to sugar senses that sweet taste, it expects to receive those calories and when it does not get, it craves sugar and it will make you feel extreme desire to anything what is sweet - that is something what most of us is not able to resist and eats or drinks something with ton of sugar. Big thanks to everyone who is in this with me and i hope you will achieve your goals also, the war just started!

I Hate Being Fat

I really hate being fat.  I have been fat since I was kid and I'm really done with that. Its not one thing that persuade me to make this decision, it is more like series of little things that together are just too much for me. Like everyone who has problems with weight, even I have tried many times before, but this time I'm really 100% prepared to do to everything what is necessary to achieve my goals. That is the reason why I have decided to create this blog, because I do not want to let myself down and also i do not want to let down all people who will read this and who eventually supports me.