Hello, so its two days after I started my big war with fat and I feel actually very good. I have decided not to do anything drastic as I usually did in my previous attempts, so I have just started with few minor changes. First, I have completely stopped drinking any sweet drinks like sodas, milkshakes and similar stuff. I have also stopped drinking all those zer calories sweet drinks, because I have info that shocked me. Did you know, that these "zero" drinks can actually make you fat? They really do not have almost any calories, but when your body that is used to sugar senses that sweet taste, it expects to receive those calories and when it does not get, it craves sugar and it will make you feel extreme desire to anything what is sweet - that is something what most of us is not able to resist and eats or drinks something with ton of sugar.
Big thanks to everyone who is in this with me and i hope you will achieve your goals also, the war just started!
I have finally forced myself to wrap up my findings after almost six months of my war with fat and write it all in single post. First of all I would like to tell you that there is no magic trick, no work for all plan or pill. Everyone is different and everyone has to find they own way how to get fit. This is not my first try, I have tried to lose weight and to get to better shape. I have tried many times before, methods that worked for other people that just have not worked for me. That does not mean those methods were bad, it just mean that everyone is different and everyone needs something different. so even if this does not work for you, do not give up. I strongly believe that anyone can lose weight, you just need to find method that works for you. These are the things that helped me the most: 1. Keeping in mind what my goal really is. Do you think its just losing weight? Wrong. You could lose 30 or even 40 pounds in a month, but that would be no victory. It would...