Hello all, another short update after really long time. I'm writing this
because I have been receiving many messages on various social media
about my effort and how are things now. Well, I'm happy to say that
everything is good. Since last update that I have made many moths ago
(almost year actually) I have managed to lose another 5 pounds and I'm
maintaining my weight. I cannot say I'm 100% happy with my weight now, I
still think I could lose few more pounds, but when I see how much I
have lost over last 1 and half year, I'm like 98% happy with my weight.
Yes I still use Phen, but only half of the amount I used to take when I
was in the hardest part of my transition to healthier lifestyle. This
lifestyle change was the best decision of my life and I'm pretty sure
now that I will be able to keep it for the rest of my life. It just my
new normal state, its not "diet" anymore, its just me and who I am.
