I have finally forced myself to wrap up my findings after almost six months of my war with fat and write it all in single post.
First of all I would like to tell you that there is no magic trick, no work for all plan or pill. Everyone is different and everyone has to find they own way how to get fit. This is not my first try, I have tried to lose weight and to get to better shape. I have tried many times before, methods that worked for other people that just have not worked for me. That does not mean those methods were bad, it just mean that everyone is different and everyone needs something different. so even if this does not work for you, do not give up. I strongly believe that anyone can lose weight, you just need to find method that works for you.
These are the things that helped me the most:
1. Keeping in mind what my goal really is. Do you think its just losing weight? Wrong. You could lose 30 or even 40 pounds in a month, but that would be no victory. It would be quite opposite actually. You do not want to lose weight as your main goal, you want to live healthier life and eat better food. If you do that, you will lose weight as "side effect" and you will keep your new lower weight forever. If you lose 30 pounds in a month, you can be sure those pounds will come back.
2. Keeping in mind that I'm not on diet. Do you think anyone can be on diet their whole life? I do not think so. What we are doing here is lifestyle change, not a diet. Diet is something temporary and usually drastic. Lifestyle change is longer process, but process which results are permanent. Process which is difficult at start, but over time becomes your natural state - so easy that you will not even think about it anymore. Eating healthy food and adding reasonable amount of exercise in your life is normal state of things. It is not temporary state that ends when you lose 20, 30, 50 or whatever amount of pounds you have on your mind. No, it is permanent change that will become absolutely normal part of your life and you will even have problems in the end imagine it has not been always like that.
3. Eating high quality food. I want to keep this blog post as short as possible and quality of food is really huge topic, so we will take a look only at the very basics. So what is high quality food? Generally it is food that you prepare by yourself from high quality basic (not too much processed) ingredients. It should always be high in protein, that is very important because you want to lose fat, not muscles.
You should of course also eat plenty of vegetables, not only because of all the vitamins and minerals, but also because of the positive impact diet high in vegetables has on your bowel. Fruit is also not bad, but since many fruits contains big amounts of fructose, you should eat only limited amount of it. Great fruit for those who want to lose weight is pineapple.
You really do not want to eat: anything with unusual long shelf-life (its usually full of preservatives), anything with artificial flavoring or artificial sweeteners or anything with too much salt. Very dangerous is of course anything fried in cheap oils and foods full of nitrates and nitrites. These you can find usually in cured sandwich meat, bacon, sausages or salami. They prolong shelf life, but they also form nitrosamines which causes cancer.
Here is great book full of healthy recipes, the best one I have ever read on this topic.

4. No Sweet drinks. This point is really simple. No sweet drinks. No Coca-Cola, no Pepsi, no Fanta, No sweet coffee, no sweet fruit juices. just nothing. If you would have to pick just one point of all the points in this article, choose this one. Really. If you drink lot of sugary drinks than just stopping drinking them alone will have HUGE impact on your weight and on your overall health. It is said that Americans are not fat because of hamburgers and french fries, but because of coke and it is true.
Do not drink diet coke as well. Most people does not know this, but diet coke will make you as fat as regular one. It's because how our brain works. When brain senses the sweet taste, it takes it as signal and your body expects wave of energy from sugar, but because you "lied" to your body with that drink with artificial sweeteners, no sugars are coming. What is your body's reaction? It will naturally start craving some real sugar and you will end up sooner or later snacking something full of sugar.
Learn to drink water, green tea, ginger or coffee without any sugar or sweeteners. Bonus: great positive impact on your teeth.
5. Proper breakfast with enough protein.
I used to neglect breakfast. I would only eat like one piece of apple, banana or even not eat at all and only drink diet coke or coffee. That is really not good breakfast, because with breakfast like that you will be hungry very soon and end up snacking some junk food. So make proper breakfast - scrambled eggs, omelet, oats, Greek yogurt with fruit, toast with cottage cheese and avocado and egg etc..
6. Eating less. Eating quality food is really great step towards your new healthier life and slimmer body, but if you will eat huge amount of quality food, your weight will not go down. I have always been eating too much, so this was for me the hardest part of my way to healthier and happier life. I simply have great appetite and it is something what is not going to change unfortunately. I'm no fan of pills as you probably already noticed if you are reading my blog regularly, but in this case I really needed some help. over the years I have tried both prescription and natural appetite suppressants and except one, I have not been happy with the results. They simply either did not work or side effects were too severe for me (or even both in some cases).
First of all I would like to tell you that there is no magic trick, no work for all plan or pill. Everyone is different and everyone has to find they own way how to get fit. This is not my first try, I have tried to lose weight and to get to better shape. I have tried many times before, methods that worked for other people that just have not worked for me. That does not mean those methods were bad, it just mean that everyone is different and everyone needs something different. so even if this does not work for you, do not give up. I strongly believe that anyone can lose weight, you just need to find method that works for you.
These are the things that helped me the most:
1. Keeping in mind what my goal really is. Do you think its just losing weight? Wrong. You could lose 30 or even 40 pounds in a month, but that would be no victory. It would be quite opposite actually. You do not want to lose weight as your main goal, you want to live healthier life and eat better food. If you do that, you will lose weight as "side effect" and you will keep your new lower weight forever. If you lose 30 pounds in a month, you can be sure those pounds will come back.
2. Keeping in mind that I'm not on diet. Do you think anyone can be on diet their whole life? I do not think so. What we are doing here is lifestyle change, not a diet. Diet is something temporary and usually drastic. Lifestyle change is longer process, but process which results are permanent. Process which is difficult at start, but over time becomes your natural state - so easy that you will not even think about it anymore. Eating healthy food and adding reasonable amount of exercise in your life is normal state of things. It is not temporary state that ends when you lose 20, 30, 50 or whatever amount of pounds you have on your mind. No, it is permanent change that will become absolutely normal part of your life and you will even have problems in the end imagine it has not been always like that.
3. Eating high quality food. I want to keep this blog post as short as possible and quality of food is really huge topic, so we will take a look only at the very basics. So what is high quality food? Generally it is food that you prepare by yourself from high quality basic (not too much processed) ingredients. It should always be high in protein, that is very important because you want to lose fat, not muscles.
You should of course also eat plenty of vegetables, not only because of all the vitamins and minerals, but also because of the positive impact diet high in vegetables has on your bowel. Fruit is also not bad, but since many fruits contains big amounts of fructose, you should eat only limited amount of it. Great fruit for those who want to lose weight is pineapple.
You really do not want to eat: anything with unusual long shelf-life (its usually full of preservatives), anything with artificial flavoring or artificial sweeteners or anything with too much salt. Very dangerous is of course anything fried in cheap oils and foods full of nitrates and nitrites. These you can find usually in cured sandwich meat, bacon, sausages or salami. They prolong shelf life, but they also form nitrosamines which causes cancer.
Here is great book full of healthy recipes, the best one I have ever read on this topic.
4. No Sweet drinks. This point is really simple. No sweet drinks. No Coca-Cola, no Pepsi, no Fanta, No sweet coffee, no sweet fruit juices. just nothing. If you would have to pick just one point of all the points in this article, choose this one. Really. If you drink lot of sugary drinks than just stopping drinking them alone will have HUGE impact on your weight and on your overall health. It is said that Americans are not fat because of hamburgers and french fries, but because of coke and it is true.
Do not drink diet coke as well. Most people does not know this, but diet coke will make you as fat as regular one. It's because how our brain works. When brain senses the sweet taste, it takes it as signal and your body expects wave of energy from sugar, but because you "lied" to your body with that drink with artificial sweeteners, no sugars are coming. What is your body's reaction? It will naturally start craving some real sugar and you will end up sooner or later snacking something full of sugar.
Learn to drink water, green tea, ginger or coffee without any sugar or sweeteners. Bonus: great positive impact on your teeth.
5. Proper breakfast with enough protein.
I used to neglect breakfast. I would only eat like one piece of apple, banana or even not eat at all and only drink diet coke or coffee. That is really not good breakfast, because with breakfast like that you will be hungry very soon and end up snacking some junk food. So make proper breakfast - scrambled eggs, omelet, oats, Greek yogurt with fruit, toast with cottage cheese and avocado and egg etc..
6. Eating less. Eating quality food is really great step towards your new healthier life and slimmer body, but if you will eat huge amount of quality food, your weight will not go down. I have always been eating too much, so this was for me the hardest part of my way to healthier and happier life. I simply have great appetite and it is something what is not going to change unfortunately. I'm no fan of pills as you probably already noticed if you are reading my blog regularly, but in this case I really needed some help. over the years I have tried both prescription and natural appetite suppressants and except one, I have not been happy with the results. They simply either did not work or side effects were too severe for me (or even both in some cases).
Update 2022: I now use this and it works like crazy. You can read more about it in this 2022 post.
7. Workout.
You do not need any extreme workout really and if you have read my previous posts you know that I do not workout very hard. I started to walk few times a week and then moved to running really slowly also few times a week - and thats it. The worst part of workout is in fact the part before you start. When you are there, you have your running clothes and running shoes on, the actual run is the easy part.
And that is all actually. This transition to healthier life is really not easy, especially at the beginning, but it is something quite simple, you just need to follow it and you will achieve your goals. Just do not try to get there over night, remember that you will be like that for the rest of your life, so take your time.
Hooray, its over, time for party :)
PS.: sorry for the cat gifs, but you know, everything is better with cats..
7. Workout.
You do not need any extreme workout really and if you have read my previous posts you know that I do not workout very hard. I started to walk few times a week and then moved to running really slowly also few times a week - and thats it. The worst part of workout is in fact the part before you start. When you are there, you have your running clothes and running shoes on, the actual run is the easy part.
And that is all actually. This transition to healthier life is really not easy, especially at the beginning, but it is something quite simple, you just need to follow it and you will achieve your goals. Just do not try to get there over night, remember that you will be like that for the rest of your life, so take your time.
Hooray, its over, time for party :)
PS.: sorry for the cat gifs, but you know, everything is better with cats..
Hello i follow your blog since start and I'm really happy you are doing so well. I'm struggling with my weight for very long time, but finally in last year I see some results. not as good as you, but I'm getting there. We have very similar methods actually and I also like Phen, unlike other fat burners, I don't feel anxious after taking it. And you are absolutely right about breakfasts, it really is super important to have good breakfast.
OdpovědětVymazatThanks for your kind words, I'm sure you will make it. Just never give up.
VymazatBreakfast is so important! I start the day with 1-2 scrambled eggs, and a side of Greek yogurt with some berries, things are usually off to a good start. My body seems to need both the protein (from the eggs) and the probiotic (from the yogurt) to function properly. This combination works realy very well for me.
OdpovědětVymazatSo I cant even drink diet soda? I love diet pepsi :(
OdpovědětVymazatHello, yes it would best to avoid it completely. Its only difficult first few days.
VymazatHello, is stevia considered a sugar? I believe it is all natural.
OdpovědětVymazatI dont think it is considered sugar, more like sweetener, but natural not artificial. I think it is great substitute for sugar when cooking, but if you want to lose it is good idea to not eat too much sweet stuff even if there is no real sugar in it.
VymazatPhen is one of the better pills compared to other products out there. Lost 12 pounds so far. Thank you for this article I had no idea about diet coke.
OdpovědětVymazatI have been using phen375 for almost 2 years so I think I can say I have plenty of experience with it. Truth is, it works best if you work out at least a little bit when taking it. It is also very good apetite supressant, probably the best one I have ever tried.
OdpovědětVymazatI'm only few days in, but I'm very happy with Phen so far. I take it about 20 minutes before I work out, and it really amps up my energy. I'm trying to lose weight- and have been doing pretty good, but really struggling with losing the last 8 pounds. I feel like it works better as pre-workout energy booster than apetite suppressant, but I will see about that after longer time.
VymazatHello, I see this blog post is several months old. Can I ask you how are doing these days? Did you manage to keep your weight, do you still take phen?
OdpovědětVymazatHello and thanks for asking. I'm doing really great I have not only managed to keep my weight, but actually lost 10 more pounds, so everything is really like I planned. I would like now to lose weight very very slowly and keep my weight after I will lose like 20 more pounds - which should happen in several months. Yes I still take phen, I think it helps me a lot especially with cravings. Have a nice day!
VymazatHello, I have been following this "method" and I can say I see very positive results and its even not that hard. Phen375 is really working good on me.
OdpovědětVymazatHappy for you :) Yeah hardest part takes really just few days in the beginning, when you get used to different food, its just normal for you and you will not feel any difference. The first days are probably where Phen helped me the most, that i was not hungry and did not feel any need to eat unhealthy food.
VymazatHi, I see your blog is getting really popular over social these days. I must say that i really like your article and that it was kinda weird for me to read it, because I have came literally to absolutely same conclusions, but never read it anywhere, all just by trial and error over like five years. I know maintain almost perfect weight for me and key was really eating more protein rich food and also building some muscles. Good luck with your effort.
OdpovědětVymazatThanks. Yeah i have seen pretty big spike in stats of visitors and I'm really happy about that. Hope it will help many people as it helped to me. Obesity is huge problem of our time and we need to learn to eat well and reat our bodies right.
VymazatWho else came here because of youtube? :)))
OdpovědětVymazatMe, lol
VymazatI have had great results with Phen375 also (lost more than 8 stones), but had some pretty serious side effects so I now I'm looking something what is similar but without that. Do you know about some good alternatives to Phen375?
OdpovědětVymazatI have tried only few, but nothing that would really work for me as good as Phen. Maybe try lower dosage?
VymazatThere are no miracle pills, believe me!!!
OdpovědětVymazatDid you even read the article? No one says its miracle pill. It helped me a lot. You should try it before criticism.
VymazatYeah if you would have read the article you would have know that I wrote it is no miracle drug, but the strongest diet pill you can get and that I do not say it works on everyone, because we all have different bodies and minds.
VymazatHello, my friend brought some Phen 375 from USA last year and she had amazing results with it. Now I would like to try it also, but cannot find any place where to buy. Is it available in Mexico?
OdpovědětVymazatHello, you can get it here http://phen375.website/ , but I do not know if they ship to your country sry.
VymazatHello, I have found link to this blog on youtube two weeks ago and so far I can tell it really helps me. I'm already few pounds down, nothing special, but I thought I'm lost case and nothing will help me, so thank you so much for this. I just hope I will be able to follow this for the rest of my life, because now I understand thats the only way.
OdpovědětVymazatGood job, and just keep fighting hard! Its very important to think about it as way of life and not some temporary diet.
VymazatI'm telling you RUN... running has changed so much for me.
OdpovědětVymazatI do run, but still think diet change is much more important. Well everyone is different so if running works so great for you, than I'm happy you found your thing.
VymazatGirl thx it really helped
OdpovědětVymazatThanks for your kind words, it makes me really happy.
VymazatPhen is hands down the best weight loss pill legally available. There might be stronger stuff, but I would not risk it because of severe side effects and those illegal pills can be even addictive.
OdpovědětVymazatI agree, any stronger pills are illegal if I know and there is good reason for that. I'm not sure if I would have been able to do what I have done without Phen or at least everything would take much more time.
VymazatPhen works I never write reviews on the internet, but this time I felt like I really have to because some of the reviews on the web are so unfair. For me, the main thing these pills do, is hunger supression. I have been trying to lose 50 pounds for about a eight months. Went to gym 3 times a week, cut on the sweets and did not lose not even 1 pound. Not even ONE!!! I started with phen about a month ago after being very hungry all of the time. Now with phen I am practically never hungry, and so far lost 7 pounds. You might think seven pounds is not that much, but it for me. I have tried seven months and lost nothing, so 7 pounds in month, that is awesome. I had only little side effects (I have been visiting toilet much more for first few days). I can recommend this to anybody and I'm not paid for it.
OdpovědětVymazatFirst, thanks for this article. I'm also on Phen and it really is good for appetite suppression, its not a magic pill, you are absolutely true about that, but it for sure is helping to lean out. I'm down 3% body fat using this daily in about 4 weeks and I'm not doing exercise, because I cannot ( I had an car accident) not that I do not want to.
OdpovědětVymazatHello Amanda I have found link to this blog three weeks ago on youtube and decided to give it a try and I have been doing everything you suggest and it works on, I'm 15 pounds down already. Hope this info will spread, I have already told several friends and my mom who also always struggled with weight about it.
OdpovědětVymazatGonna try this, I'm fat as f.. :) will let you know if it works, i need to lose like 100 pounds.
OdpovědětVymazatBeen using Phen for 3 weeks and I have lost 10 lbs. I am 65 years old and I have been overweight for years without any hope of losing weight. Give a try if you are hesitating, its worth it.
OdpovědětVymazatYeah Phen 375 works, I have tried other pills also and only like 1/3 had some effect on me.
OdpovědětVymazatI'm very pleased with the results so far. To start off, you don't get that weird feeling that other different diet pills give as "energy". The energy feels much more natural and doesn't peak so much. To the results... Its helped me lose 20 more lbs than I would've lost with diet alone. It helps to fight my evening cravings. I definitely plan to reorder again.
OdpovědětVymazatThx will try
OdpovědětVymazatHello, I would like to thank you so much for this. I'm down 60 pounds now since March, all because of this blog and Phen. I'm now spreading this nfo everywhere I can, because I feel all the people who also has problem with their weight really deserves it. It is sad and mostly lonely life when you live in body you hate.
OdpovědětVymazatI have tried plenty of fat burners and weight loss pills and I do not like the jittery feeling that high stimulant fat burners provide. What makes phen375 different is not only that it is packed with actual fat burning ingredients and gives smooth, very consistent energy, but you can literally see results within a week with this as long as you eat clean and exercise regularly. I would suggest to anyone to try it.