This is only short post about food you really need to have in your diet of you want to transform your body. I guess everyone knows that if you want to stay healthy and fit, you need to eat lot of vegetables. That is absolutely true, but what many people does not know is that you should eat lot of proteins also. Why protein? You need to eat plenty of protein because your muscles need it and if you do not want to be overweight than you need as much muslcles as you can get. Muscles needs plenty of energy and fat is a way how human body storage energy. Go and find list of high protein foods, here are some of my favorites:
Fish - most of people does not eat fish and that is very stupid, because fish is just amazing food. It is great source of protein and omega acids. Especially tuna and salmon.
Eggs - eggs are superfood, I suggest to eat them every day, its great breakfast food.
Meat - many people think that they should not eat meat if they want to to lose weight. huge mistake of course, people are not usually fat because they eat lot of meat and even fatty meat. People are fat because they eat and drink too much carbohydrates, not because they eat too much fatty food. So fish, eggs, meat.. this is something you need to keep in your diet forever!
Fish - most of people does not eat fish and that is very stupid, because fish is just amazing food. It is great source of protein and omega acids. Especially tuna and salmon.
Eggs - eggs are superfood, I suggest to eat them every day, its great breakfast food.
Meat - many people think that they should not eat meat if they want to to lose weight. huge mistake of course, people are not usually fat because they eat lot of meat and even fatty meat. People are fat because they eat and drink too much carbohydrates, not because they eat too much fatty food. So fish, eggs, meat.. this is something you need to keep in your diet forever!