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Zobrazují se příspěvky z 2018

This Intelligent Mirror Shows How are You Losing Weight

Company Naked Labs introduced their intelligent mirror Naked. This mirror uses 3D scan technology to scan your body shape in detail in 360° so you can see how your body is changing over time. I must say that I absolutely love this idea, I think it something perfect for boosting your motivation to work even harder. So, how does it work? This Naked mirror measures your weight, body fat and muscle but also the shape of your body. It consist of three parts: 1. mobile app for your phone 2. personal scale 3. intelligent mirror woth 3D scenner You turn on measuring in the app, step on scale and in 15 seconds the scale will slowly turn you in 360° so the camera in mirror than scan you and create 360° model of your body and the scale will also create record of your weight, amount of fat and muscles in your body. You can also get your hipline, bustline, wastline how big your arms are etc..more info than you even want. Only limitations are your weight, which cannot be higher than 330 poun...

Is Caffeine Good for Burning Fat?

We all know that caffeine is usually added in fat burning products, but what we usually do not know is if it works just as stimulant or it can really burn fat directly. It is quite complex issue, but the truth is that caffeine has synergy effect in thermogenic fat burners where it helps to move fatty acids to get faster to working muscles. Well, there are other effects of caffeine that suggest that it is in fact also direct fat burner on its own. There already several studies that suggest it, because in the tests, groups of people who took caffeine instead of placebo before training had much higher level of adrenaline and much more fatty acids in their blood. That means that caffeine works as fut burner in ways we did not know before and there are other studies that suggests that caffeine also helps in sport and that is something we all who are in war with fat really need so if you like coffee do not stop drinking it if you want to lose fat, just please do not drink it with sugar, th...

My Favorite Summer Salad

I really enjoy this summer in "new" body and I really think the biggest reason I have been able to lose more than 70 pounds (yes I have lost another 7 pounds since last update :) is how differently i eat these days. It is truth I eat less, but only a little. More importantly, I eat differently. Very differently. As you already know, I eat much less carbs than I used to and eat much more protein and vegetables. Today I would like to share with you perfect example of such food and my favorite summer salad. Shopsky salat 4 big or 8 smaller tomatoes 1 large cucumber, unpeeled and chopped 4 green or red peppers, roasted or raw, chopped 1 large yellow onion or two smaller black pepper  1/2 cup Bulgarian sirene cheese(Balkan cheese) or feta cheese, crumbled Cut everything into small pieces and in large bowl mix it with sunflower or olive oil. Usually you do not need to add much salt, because there is plenty of it in the balkan cheese.    I'm sure you gonna ...

Summer Is Here And I Finally Like It

I guess I'm not only here who can say that I used to hate summer. People who struggle with their weight are usually not fans of hot weather. I don't really remember that I would have ever been looking forward to hitting beach or anything like that. It was always more stress than fun for me, because I used to hate my body so much back then. I'm really happy that this has changed. If you read my blog (which I really neglect I know..) you know, that I have made some big changes in my life and I finally moved in the right direction with my weight and for the first time in my life I have been able to maintain it. So, for the first time in my life, this summer is different. I know I'm no supermodel now, but for the first time in my adult life, I just feel good at beach and not just that, simple everyday life, things like sweating etc.. this all is much better when I do not carry around those 60 pounds more I used to (yep I have lost another 10 pounds since last update :)...


So its about 16 days since wrote last post here and I'm really happy. I have not been running much lately, but I really got used to healthier food. In fact I do not even even feel like it is something what I have to force myself to do. It's almost six months since I started with this and it just feels really natural and normal now. You know that I do not have scale at home and I have not had any opportunity to check my weight lately, but I feel like I have even lost few more pounds even I have not been running much lately. It is great feeling which I just wanted to share with you guy and let you all know that everything is possible and that quality food is the core of all weight problems.

Things That Actually Helped Me Lose 50 Pounds

I have finally forced myself to wrap up my findings after almost six months of my war with fat and write it all in single post. First of all I would like to tell you that there is no magic trick, no work for all plan or pill. Everyone is different and everyone has to find they own way how to get fit. This is not my first try, I have tried to lose weight and to get to better shape. I have tried many times before, methods that worked for other people that just have not worked for me. That does not mean those methods were bad, it just mean that everyone is different and everyone needs something different. so even if this does not work for you, do not give up. I strongly believe that anyone can lose weight, you just need to find method that works for you. These are the things that helped me the most: 1. Keeping in mind what my goal really is. Do you think its just losing weight? Wrong. You could lose 30 or even 40 pounds in a month, but that would be no victory. It would...

War Goes On

Here is little update on my effort. It is already several months since I started and i have to say it goes better than expected. I have read huge amount of text all over internet and picked something from all of them. I have also found one really amazing product that I think helps me a lot in my effort. First of all, I will not tell you how much pounds I already lost, because I do not know that. Why? Its because I do not have scale. I used to have one of course, but I threw it away. I'm not interested any more in some short time weight loss. What I'm interested in, is lifelong transformation and for that I do not need scale. I do take pictures though to see how I looked before and I must say I'm very happy with the results so far. If you want to see those picture than I'm sorry, I'm not going to post them here, but I see huge improvement. I will soon make longer post where I will go into details about what helped me the most.

Food You Need In Your Diet

This is only short post about food you really need to have in your diet of you want to transform your body. I guess everyone knows that if you want to stay healthy and fit, you need to eat lot of vegetables. That is absolutely true, but what many people does not know is that you should eat lot of proteins also. Why protein? You need to eat plenty of protein because your muscles need it and if you do not want to be overweight than you need as much muslcles as you can get. Muscles needs plenty of energy and fat is a way how human body storage energy. Go and find list of high protein foods, here are some of my favorites: Fish - most of people does not eat fish and that is very stupid, because fish is just amazing food. It is great source of protein and omega acids. Especially tuna and salmon. Eggs - eggs are superfood, I suggest to eat them every day, its great breakfast food. Meat - many people think that they should not eat meat if they want to to lose weight. huge mistake of cou...