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Zobrazují se příspěvky z únor, 2018


So its about 16 days since wrote last post here and I'm really happy. I have not been running much lately, but I really got used to healthier food. In fact I do not even even feel like it is something what I have to force myself to do. It's almost six months since I started with this and it just feels really natural and normal now. You know that I do not have scale at home and I have not had any opportunity to check my weight lately, but I feel like I have even lost few more pounds even I have not been running much lately. It is great feeling which I just wanted to share with you guy and let you all know that everything is possible and that quality food is the core of all weight problems.

Things That Actually Helped Me Lose 50 Pounds

I have finally forced myself to wrap up my findings after almost six months of my war with fat and write it all in single post. First of all I would like to tell you that there is no magic trick, no work for all plan or pill. Everyone is different and everyone has to find they own way how to get fit. This is not my first try, I have tried to lose weight and to get to better shape. I have tried many times before, methods that worked for other people that just have not worked for me. That does not mean those methods were bad, it just mean that everyone is different and everyone needs something different. so even if this does not work for you, do not give up. I strongly believe that anyone can lose weight, you just need to find method that works for you. These are the things that helped me the most: 1. Keeping in mind what my goal really is. Do you think its just losing weight? Wrong. You could lose 30 or even 40 pounds in a month, but that would be no victory. It would...