Those of you who follow my blog know that I have been fighting with my weight for many years, pretty much since I was a child until late 2017 when I finally started to win. I have summarized all the most important findings in this blog post , if you have not read it already, I strongly suggest that you do. I have always said that I'm not "on diet", my goal never was to lose x pounds and say hooray I won. no I always knew that need permanent lifestyle change and I think now, more than 4 yours since my initial success I can say it works. As you know, I have lost 50 pounds and I was quite happy about my weight. During those 4 years I have few times gained some back, but it was never more than 10 pounds. Well, I never really reached what I considered my ideal weight and that would be -80 pounds of my weight before I started all this. I was happy with 50 pounds I lost, extremely happy, but it was not where I (and doctors) think my ideal weight should be. It was like there was...